Fighting and stealing, this savage norseman is a perfect addition to the might is right collection. Historically feared by all for their savage lifestyle, this hand carved warrior certainly makes you feel a little intimidated with his expression and weapon the hand painting reflecting his wild character. Still he has warmth and passion which will charm you in the end.
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When you first see this character you are instantly a little afraid. But don't be, he is a beautiful hand carved creation and behind his warrior like expression there is a man fighting to survive. He wears a nordic hat and clothes of leather and armour all perfectly hand painted. His red hair and beard add to his aggressive expression as he goes into battle. His sword ready to attack. See the attention to detail, studs and fur all adding to the authenticity of this Might is right marionette. He has medium mobility so he is great to play with and have as a scary addition in your home.
It’s adorable and so much fun to play with. My 4 year old loves watching the marionette dance!
A+ A+ A+ A+ A+
This marionette is a treasured work of art- a gift for one of sons, I cannot express well enough how beautiful the artistry and attention to warming detail! Thank you and I will certainly and indeed revisit your store! An incredibly gifted artisan!
A+ A+ A+ A+ A+
Love it! Good desing and possibility to adapt the size with the printer.
Source of the reviews:, Google, Etsy