Beautiful and precisely carved marionette with its bright light will drive away any gloom ... another creation from a unique puppet collection!
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A puppet can look like anything, there are no limits to imagination. And Jakub's seems to have no bounds and this cute fairy - Firefly proves it.
Jakub uses mechanics which are true to traditions here in the Czech Republic for all his marionettes. The puppet is connected with a controller by wire and four attached threads. One for each limb. This makes the puppet stable and movable. As well as easy to use, even for beginners.
It’s adorable and so much fun to play with. My 4 year old loves watching the marionette dance!
A+ A+ A+ A+ A+
This marionette is a treasured work of art- a gift for one of sons, I cannot express well enough how beautiful the artistry and attention to warming detail! Thank you and I will certainly and indeed revisit your store! An incredibly gifted artisan!
A+ A+ A+ A+ A+
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