Such a stylish marionette this Sherif is. Another wooden hand-carved masterpiece from the artist Jan Růžička. This marionette carries real wild west vibes and is full of amazing details.
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This Sherif knows how to make an order. He's not afraid to use his pistol while remaining calm, smoking his cigar. You'll feel like in an old western movie around him. The whole body is carefully hand-carved and hand-painted afterward. The texture of the wood is standing out and makes the marionette look even more luxurious. Dark colors perfectly match the whole character. Clearly, it is a masterpiece among wooden marionettes.
This marionette is not in stock at the moment. It will be made on request by our artists until a few weeks.
I am always at awe with the craftsmanship of each marionette I have purchased from CzechMarionettes. Each character has been meticulously crafted and almost comes to life when unboxed. A big thank you to CzechMarionettes for continuing to produce top quality marionettes. Thank you.
Source of the reviews:, Google, Etsy