Always the fool. Say hi to Jester, he will charm his way into your life with song and, laughter and crazy antics!
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Who doesn't remember fairytales of old. The Royal family always entertained after a long day by their court jester. Singing songs and telling jokes with foolish antics, he brought laughter to all. Well this cheeky chap after many years has decided he would like to get back into the entertainment business. Beautifully carved, painted and dressed, notice his jesters hat complete with bell and is smart tunic and ruff. He has big pointy ears and a funny nose which make him look more elfish and mischievous. Believe us when we tell you, he is a very cheeky chap. But we don't mind as he always makes us laugh and feel happy about life :)
With easy mobility he is easy to play with and he just loves to be the funny guy so you will have good times everyday!
Its adorable and so much fun to play with. My 4 year old loves watching the marionette dance!
A+ A+ A+ A+ A+
This marionette is a treasured work of art- a gift for one of sons, I cannot express well enough how beautiful the artistry and attention to warming detail! Thank you and I will certainly and indeed revisit your store! An incredibly gifted artisan!
A+ A+ A+ A+ A+
Top quality products with fast shipping.
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